Thursday, November 1, 2007

World series

Thank god the world series is over. That was truly painful.

I don't have any particular feelings about the Sox winning, like a lot of people. I don't think their fans have become as annoying as Yankee fans, like some people claim. It would have been nice to see the Rockies win, but i knew going into it that their chances were not good, especially with that long layoff.

Mostly I'm glad it's over because it means I don't have to take in baseball games through the filter of Joe Buck and Tim McCarver anymore.

Joe Buck is not a good announcer. I'm not sure why, but I find him to be really grating. I think it's something to do with his tone (or lack thereof) and his insistance on trying to put everything in historical perspective.

Meanwhile, Tim McCarver makes Joe Buck seem like a broadcasting genius.

Tim McCarver has been one of my least favorite broadcasters for as long as I can remember. Even when i was a little kid I recognized him as being a rather lackluster broadcaster, and i know i'm not alone on this.

McCarver may be the only broadcaster about whom i have heard more people complain than either John Madden or Joe Morgan. He may also be the only broadcaster ever to be mocked by another show on the same station that employs him.

To be fair, I don't know that i could do any better, but I really think that I could offer them both some pointers that would improve their performance.

Here are some things that i would suggest:

  • Think about what you're going to say, write it down, read it, think about it again, and if it still seems like it makes sense then go ahead and say it. This particularly applies to McCarver.
  • Stop trying to put everything in historic perspective. I don't really care if Asdrubal Cabrera is the first ever player named Asdrubal to make a diving stop of a ground ball on the third batter of the second inning of the ALCS against a team with the word Sox in their name. If you have to add that many qualifiers to make it seem historically significant, it's probably not historically significant.
  • This is a big one: Stop talking about the next game as if the current one is over. I don't care if they plug the next game, but don't assume the outcome of the current game. Any avid baseball fan will tell you that this is an extremely obnoxious thing to do. Even if the score is 15-1 with two outs in the bottom of the 9th, don't assume the win. For most baseball fans, I think this is comparable to discussing a pitcher's no-hitter while they are in the middle of it. It's a huge faux pas.

Thats really about it. If they can work on those three things, I can probably live with them for a while longer.

Bonus: three players who went to school in the area were in the world series, two of whom I played against in High School: Javier Lopez from the Sox went to Robinson; Jeff Baker from the Rockies went to Gar-Field; Joe Koshansky from the Rockies went to Chantilly.

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